Facebook keyboard shortcut keys for google chrome
Facebook एक बहुत ही लोकप्रिय सोशल नेटवर्किग साइट है, भारत में ही रोजाना लाखों लोग Facebook का प्रयोग करते हैं। Facebook चलाना वैसे तो बहुत आसान है, लेकिन अगर आपको इसकी keyboard shortcut keys की पता हो तो इसे चलाना और भी आसान और तेज हो जायेगा, लेकिन Facebook के keyboard shortcut अलग-अलग Browser के लिये अलग हैं, आज हम आपको google chrome के लिये Facebook के keyboard shortcut बता रहें है, जिससे आप केवल keyboard का प्रयोग कर Facebook प्रयोग कर सकते हो –
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FB Emoticons Chat Shortcut Keys Symbols | Facebook
Smile –
Tongue –
Wink –
Grin –
Curly Lips –
Kiss –
Angry –
Glasses –
Sunglasses –
Confused –
Shark –
Gasp –
Pacman –
Squint –
Devil –
Unsure –
Sad –
Cry –
Chris Putnam –
Robot –
Heart –
Angel –
Kiki –
Penguin –
अपडेट लगातार हासिल करने के लिए हमे फेसबुक (Facebook ) पर ज्वाइन करे Click Now
Keyboard symbols used to make pictures, smileys, or emoticons
.02 – Your (or my) two cents worth.
2MI – Too much information.
2U2 – To You Too
4COL – For Crying Out Loud
the speaker chuckles
the speaker is frowning
the speaker is grinning
the one writing the message is smiling
the one writing the message is smirking
the one writing the message is winking
[$X$] – No spam !!
JK – Just Kidding
– I have a question
! – I have a comment
abnormal (%-w)
Abraham Lincoln =):-)=
alienated ( <> .. <> )
angel 0:-)
angel O:-)
angel with glasses O8-)
angry (:-&
angry >:-<
angry :-||
annoyed >:-(
anxious 8-[
anyway <–I–>
aside comment :-Y
ask dumb question <:-)
asleep |-|
asleep |I
astonished :C
astonished :-C
astonished 😯
atom bomb @==
baby ~:o
back to back ][
bad boy d:- \
bandaid, comfort (::()::)
beatup (in a fight) %+{
black eye (
black eye -(
black eye (angry) ;-(
blowing a kiss :-{}
bored 😐
breasts (boobs) ( o )( o )
brain-dead %-6 clown *<|:-)
clowning :*)
cold (flu) :~)
cold or flu :-~|
confused :~/
confused %-(
cow 3:o
cowboy <):)
crying ;(
crying :,(
crying :.(
crying :\’
crying :\'(
crying :\’-(
crying T_T
curly hair ~:o)
devil ]:->
devil – happy ]:-)
devil – happy >:-)
devilish <:->
devil wink >-)
devil wink >->
mischievous devil >:->
‘lil devil >:)
death 8-#
deja vu 😐 😐
disappointed :-e
disappointed :e
donut (o)
dull 😐
dunce <:-|
dunce <:-(
drunk %*}
dozen roses 12x@>—>—
egghead (:|
Elvis 5:-)
Elvis ~:-\
Elvis ~:\
exhausted :-6
eyes popping out of head Q_Q
face to face }{
fasten your seatbelt ===[]===
female O+
female >-
flame (inflammatory message) ~==
flame message ~:-(
flame message – hot ~~:-(
french kiss P*
french kiss :Pd:
Frankenstein [:-|
frown 🙁
frustrated }: [
funny 😀
funny, not :/)
furious >>:-<<
furious >-<
giggles ^ ^ ^
glass empty \_/
glass full \~/
good grief! |-{
graduate (high-school, college) Q:-)
grin (big) =^D
happy :^D
having a hard time :{
hats off to you d 😮
hear no evil :X
heavy metal music \m/
Homer Simpson ( 8(|)
Homer Simpson ~(8^(0)
hug [], ()
hug – insert name in the brackets
of the one who is being hugged [[ ]], {{ }}
hugs ((()))
hugs and kisses (( )):**
hung over #-)
hung over %-\
high five ^5
indifferent 😐
infinity 8
In Our Humble Opinion IOHO
In My Humble Opinion IMHO
ironic %-}
just died X-(
Kenny-southpark ( ((oo)) )
Kenny (dead) -southpark ( ((xx)) )
kiss *
kiss :*
kiss :-*
kiss (:-*
kiss 😡
kiss 😡
kisses =^*
kiss returned :**:
knight +<||-)
laugh (big laugh) |-D
laughing 😀
laughter /\/\/\
licking lips :-9
licking lips :-
loudmouth 🙁 )
mad >:-<
mad, very mad ~ 🙁
male O->
male 8-
male :-
marge simpson @@@@:-)
monk +<:-|
my lips are sealed :-X
my lips are sealed = X
my lips are sealed :-#
no comment {}
no smoking :/i
nun +<:-|
pondering :-I
pig :@)
pope +O:-)
puckered up to kiss |-<>
puckered up to kiss :-><
punk =:-)
putting your money where your mouth is :>$
puzzlement :-k
priest +:-)
propellerhead %(|:-)
punched in the nose :+(
raised eyebrow `:-)
religious leader or person +<:-)
robot [:|]
robot [:]
Ronald Reagan 7:^)
rose @}->–
rose, long-stemmed @>—>—
sad : (
sad (:-\
sad : [
sad (very sad) :-<
salute m:-)
Santa Claus *<:-)
sarcasm :-]
screaming :-@
see no evil m-)
see no evil, hear no evil,
speak no evil m-), :X, :-m
shocked #:-o
shocked 8-o
shot to death *-)
shouting :-V
silly %-)
sleepy |(
sleepy |-(
smile : )
smile (-:
smile, mischievous :-}
smile, one sided :-j
smile, one sided :-l
smile of happiness or sarcasm :->
smile with moustache :-{)
smile with moustache and beard :-{)}
smiley classic 🙂
smiley variation (:-)
smiling blockhead :-]
smirk :-,
smoker :-p~
smoker :-d~
smoking :-Q~
snake ~~~~8}
snake ~~~~~8}
snake =====:}
sniffles :-\’|
snoring |^o
snuffed candle (ends a flame message) -=
speak no evil :-m
square head [:-]
sticking out tongue :-f
sticking out tongue :p
sticking out tongue :-p
sticking out tongue :-p
sticking out tongue :-r
surprised = O
surprised :-O
tear :`-(
tear (of happiness) :\’-)
thinking about money $-)
this rocks \m/
to be or not to be 2B|^2B
toilet l,lO
tongue hanging out in disgust, or a smoker :-Q
tongue in cheek -)
tongue in cheek :-J
tongue in cheek :-
tongue-tied :-&
unhappy :-c
unsmiley :-t
unsmiley (:-
unsmiley (:-(
unsmiling :-[
US Flag **==
wearing a walkman [:-)
weeping ;-(
what! :-s
wide-eyed, wears glasses 8)
wide-eyed, wears glasses 😎
wide-eyed surprised 8-|
wink ; )
wink with a raspberry ; p
winkey 😉
winking and laughing ;-D
winky \’)
winky \’-)
wizard -=#:-)
wizard 8 🙂
wow! 8-]
worked late %-|
wry smile :-i
wry smile }-)
wry face :-/
yawn 😮
yawn |-O
yuck >=^ p yuck! 8-p
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