Microsoft Windows Movie Maker hotkeys

Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut keys are available for many of the commands in Windows Movie Maker. By using shortcut keys, you can quickly accomplish common tasks.

The following table provides an overview of the tasks you can complete by using shortcut keys.

Task Shortcut key
Create a new project CTRL+N
Open an existing project CTRL+O
Save a project CTRL+S
Save a project with a new name F12
Save a movie CTRL+P
Capture video CTRL+R
Import an existing digital media file CTRL+I
Undo the last action CTRL+Z
Redo the last undone action CTRL+Y
Paste CTRL+V
Select all clips CTRL+A
Rename a collection or clip F2
Clear the storyboard/timeline CTRL+DELETE
Show or hide the storyboard/timeline CTRL+T
Zoom in on the timeline PAGE DOWN
Zoom out on the timeline PAGE UP
Add selected clips to the storyboard/timeline CTRL+D
Play video in full screen ALT+ENTER
Set start trim point CTRL+SHIFT+I
Set end trim point CTRL+SHIFT+O
Clear trim points CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE
Split a clip CTRL+L
Combine contiguous clips CTRL+M
Nudges clip to the left CTRL+SHIFT+B
Nudges clip to the right CTRL+SHIFT+N
Play or pause clip SPACEBAR
Stop playback on the storyboard/timeline CTRL+K
Play content on the storyboard/timeline CTRL+W
Rewind content on the storyboard/timeline CTRL+Q
Previous frame ALT+LEFT ARROW
Display Help topics F1
Select previous item (on a timeline track, on the storyboard, or in the Contents pane) LEFT ARROW
Select next item (on a timeline track, on the storyboard, or in the Contents pane) RIGHT ARROW
Select item above (on a timeline track or in the Contents pane) UP ARROW
Select item below (on a timeline track or in the Contents pane) DOWN ARROW
Go to the first item (on a timeline track, on the storyboard, or in the Contents pane) HOME
Go to the last item (on a timeline track, on the storyboard, or in the Contents pane) END

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