One Word Substitution Quiz
- Belief that war and violence are unjustified
(a) Neutralisation
(b) Pessimism
(c) Naturalisation
(d) Pacifism
- A group of girls
(a) Bevy
(b) Covey
(c) Troupe
(d) Coterie
- Causing or ending in death
(a) Fatal
(b) Deadly
(c) Serious
(d) Dangerous
- A Short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of a drama
(a) Prologue
(b) Dialogue
(c) Epilogue
(d) Monologue
- One who loves books
(a) Scholar
(b) Bibliographer
(c) Teacher
(d) Bibliophile
- One who has obstinate and narrow religious views
(a) Theosophist
(b) Bigot
(c) Philosopher
(d) Theologian
- The sound of the funeral bell
(a) Knell
(b) Spell
(c) Dong
(d) Ding – dong
Notes के अपडेट लगातार हासिल करने के लिए हमे फेसबुक (Facebook) पर ज्वाइन करे Click Now
- Military waking signal sounded in the morning
(a) Reveille
(b) Lullaby
(c) Anthem
(d) Soprano
- Study of insects
(a) Ecology
(b) Embryology
(c) Entomology
(d) Biology
- A person in his seventies
(a) Sexagenarian
(b) Septuagenarian
(c) Centurion
(d) Patriarch
1 | d |
2 | a |
3 | a |
4 | c |
5 | d |
6 | b |
7 | a |
8 | a |
9 | c |
10 | b |
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