AACI               :- Airport Association Council International


AAFI               :- Amateur Athletics Federation of India


AAGSP           :- All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad


AAPSO           :- Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation




AASU              :- All Assam Students Union


ABM               :- Anti Ballistic Missile


ABCDE          :- Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics


ABSU             :- All Bodo Students Union


ABT                :- Availability Based Tariff


AC                   :- Alternate Current or Ashok Chakra or Air Conditioner or Antarctic Club


AD                  :- Ano Domini (After the birth of Jesus)


ADA                :- Air Defence Artillery


ADB                :- Asian Development Bank


AERE             :- Atomic Energy Research Establishment


AEO                :-American Eagle Outfitters


AFLP              :- Accelerated Female Literacy


AFPPD            :- Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population & Development


AGF                :- Asian Games Federation


AGOC             :- Asian Games Organization Committee


AICC               :- All India Congress Committee


AICTE            :- All India Council of Technical Education


AICCTU         :- All India Central Council of Trade Unions


AICI               :- Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India


AIDS              :- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


AIFF               :- All India Football Federation


AIIMS            :- All India Institute of Medical Sciences


AIL                 :- Aeronautics India Limited


AIMPLB        :- All India Muslim Personal Law Board


AINEC            :- All India Newspapers Editors Conference


AIR                 :- All India Radio


AITUC            :- All India Trade Union Congress


ALH                :- Advanced Light Helicopter


AM                 :- Anti Meridian (Before Noon)


AMIE             :- Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers


ANC               :- African National Congress


APNN             :- Asian Pacific News Network


APEC              :- Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation


APPLE            :- Asian Passenger Payload Experiment


APPU              :- Asian Pacific Postal Union


ARF                :- Asian Regional Forum


ARDS             :- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome


ASEAN           :- Association of South East Asian Nations


ASLV              :- Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle


ASI                  :- Archaeological Survey of India


ASSOCHAM :- Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (India)


AWACS          :- Airborne Warning and Control System


ATCI               :- Air Time Committee of India


ATF                 :- Aviation Turbine Fuel


ATPLO            :- All Tripura Peoples Liberation Organisation


ATS                 :- Anti Tetanus Serum


ATTF               :- All Tripura Tribal Force


AVARD           :- Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development






BAMS            :- Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


BARC            :- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre


BBC               :- British Broadcasting Corporation


BC                  :- Before Christ


BCG               :- Bacillus Calmette Guerin (Anti TB Vaccine)


BCCI              :- Board of Control for Cricket in India


BCCL             :- Bharat Cooking Coal Limited


BDL               :- Bharat Dynamics Limited


BEL                :- Bharat Electronics Limited


BENELUX     :- Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg


BHEL             :- Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited


BICP              :- Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices


BIFR              :- Board of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction


BIMSTEC     :- Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,Thailand Economic Cooperation


BIS                  :- Bureau of Indian Standards/ British Information Service


BIS                  :- Bank for International Settlements


BLTF             :- Bodo Liberation Tigers Force


BPO               :- Business Process Outsourcing


B.PHARMA  :- Bachelor of Pharmacy


BRL               :- Bharat Refineries Ltd


BSF                :- Border Security Force


BTC               :- Bodoland Territorial Council






CAD              :- Command Area Development


CAG              :- Controller of Auditor General


CAIR            :- Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics


CAS               :- Conditional Access System


CASE            :- Commission for Alternative Sources of Energy


CAT               :- Control for Advance Technology


CAT               :- Central Administrative Tribunal


CAZRL         :- Central Arid Zone Research Institute


CBDT           :- Central Board of Direct Taxes


CBI               :- Central Bureau of Investigation


CBI               :- Crime Branch of India


CBSE            :- Central Board of Secondary Education


CCEA           :- Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs


CCIC            :- Central Cottage Industries Corporation


CCI               :- Consumer Confidence Index


CCL              :- Central Coal-fields Limited


CCIT            :- Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism


CCS              :- Cabinet Committee on Security


C-DAC         :- Centre for Development of Advance Computing


CDC             :- Consulting Development Centre


CDRL          :- Central Drug Research Institute


CDS             :- Compulsory Deposit Scheme


CEA             :- Central Electrical Authority


CENTO       :- Central Treaty Organization


CERN         :- Council European Organization for Nuclear Research


CFRI           :- Central Fuel Research Institute


CFTRI         :- Central Food Technological Research Institute


CGCRI        :- Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute


CGWB         :- Central Ground Water Board


CHOGM     :- Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting


CID              :- Criminal Investigation Department


CIFT             :- Committee on Invisible Financing Related Trade


CIMA           :- Centre of International Modern Art


CIRDAP       :- Council of Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific


CIRTES        :- Central Institute for Research and Training in Employment Services


CIS                :- Commonwealth of Independent States


CISF              :- Central Industrial Security Force


CITU             :- Centre of Indian Trade Union


CIWTC         :- Central Inland Water Transport Corporation


CLASP          :- Child Labour Action and Support Project


CMC             :- Cauri Monitoring Committee


CMAG          :- Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group


CMAL          :- Coal Mines Authority Limited


CMDRO      :- Central Marine Design Research Organization


CMMACS    :- Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation


CMPDI         :- Central Mine Planning and Design Institute


CMS             :- Central Monitoring Series


CNG             :- Compressed Natural Gas


COD             :- Central Ordinance Depot


CODESA     :- Convention for a Democratic South Africa


COFEPOSA :- Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act


COSPAR        :- Committee On Space Research


COPU             :- Committee on Public Undertaking (under                                                                                                   Parliament)


CORE             :- Congress on Racial Equality


CPCB              :- Central Pollution Control Board


CPCRI            :- Central Plantation Crops Research Institute


CPO                :- Central Passport Organization


CPRI               :- Central Power Research Institute


CRP                :- Central Reserve Police


CRR               :- Cash Reserve Ratio


CSE                :- Centre for Science and Environment


CSCE              :- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe


CSIR               :- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research


CTEPC           :- Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council


CTS                 :- Computerised Tomography Scanner


COCA             :- Control of Organized Crime Act


CVC                :- Central Vigilance Commission


CVR                :- Cockpit Voice Recorder






DAVP              :- Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity


DCA                :- Drug and Cosmetic Act


DCI                 :- Dredging Corporation of India


DDT                :- Dichloro Diphenyle Trichloroethane


DDP                :- Desert Development Programme


DFDR             :- Digital Flight Data Recorder (Black Box)


DIG                 :- Deputy Inspector General


D.Lit                :- Doctor of Literature


DGCA             :- Director General of Civil Aviation


DICGC           :- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation


DIG                 :- Defence Intelligence Group


DLO                :- Dead Letter Office


DGCEI           :- Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence


DM                 :- District Magistrate


DMK              :- Dravida Munetra Kazhagam


DMRL            :- Defence Metalurgical Research Laboratory


DNA                :- Di-oxyribo Nucleic Acid


DNEM            :- Dynamic Numeric Encoding Method


DPAP               :- Drought Prone Area Programme


DPCS              :- Defence Satellite Communication System


DPC                :- Dabhol Power Company


DPCO             :- Drug Prices Control Order


DPSA              :- Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft


DRDO            :- Defence Research and Development Organization


DRI                 :- Director of Revenue Intelligence


DSP                 :- Digital Signal Processing


DST                :- Department of Science & Technology


DTH               :- Direct To Home


DOTS             :- Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse


DVC               :- Damodar Valley Corporation


DVD               :- Digital Versatile Disk






EAA                :- Easy Animal Aid


EAS                :- Employment Assurance Scheme


ECB                :- European Central Bank


ECG                :- Electro Cardiogram Graph


ECIL               :- Electronic Corporation of India Limited


ECM               :- European Common Market


ECOWAS       :- Economic Cooperation Organization of West African States


EEC                :- European Economic Community


EEG                :- Electro Encephalogram Graph


EFTA              :- European Free Trade Association


EGPWS          :- Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System


EHTP             :- Electronics Hardware Technology Park


ELCINA        :- Electronics and Radar Development Establishment


ELISA            :- Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay


EMF               :- Electromotive Force


EMI                :- Equal Monthly Installment


EMR               :- Exclusive Marketing Right


EMS                :- European Monetary System


EMU               :- Electric Multiple Unit


ENLF              :- Elam National Liberation Front


EOW               :- Economic Offence Wing


EPIP                :- Export Promotion Industrial Park


EPRLF            :- Elam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front


EPZ                 :- Export Processing Zone


ERDA             :- Energy Research and Development Administration


ERS                :- European Remote Sensing Satellite


ERTS             :- Earth Resources Technology Satellite


ESA                :- European Space Agency


ESCAP            :- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific


ESMA             :- Essential Services Maintenance Act


EVM               :- Electronic Voting Machine


EVTR              :- Electro Video Tape Recording


EXIM              :- bank Export-Import Bank of India


EURECA        :- European Research Coordinating Agency






FAO                 :- Food and Agriculture Organization


FARC              :- Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia


FBI                  :- Federal Bureau of Investigation


FBTR              :- Fast Breeder Test Reactor


FCV                :- Flue Cured Virginia (a kind of tobacco)


FCI                 :- Food Corporation of India/Fertilizer Corporation of India


FDR                :- Flight Data Recorder (Black Box)


FERA              :- Foreign Exchange Regulation Act


FEMA             :- Foreign Exchange Management Act


FFI                  :- Film Federation of India


FICCI             :- Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


FIEO               :- Federation of Indian Export Organization


FIIA                :- Foreign Investment Implementation Authority


FIIT                :- Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer


FIPB               :- Foreign Investment Promotion Board


FIR                 :- First Information Report


FRS                :- Fellow of the Royal Society


FTA                 :- Free To Air


FTII                :- Films & Television Institute of India


FTZ                 :- Free Trade Zone






GAIL               :- Gas Authority of India Limited


GATT              :- General Agreement on Tariff and Trade


GAVI               :- Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization


GCC                :- Gulf Cooperation Council


GIC                 :- General Insurance Corporation


GMPCS          :- Global Mobile Personal Communications System


GMRT            :- Giant Meterweb Radio Telescope


GMT               :- Greenwich Mean Time


GNLF             :- Gorkha National Liberation Front


GNP                :- Gross National Product


GPF                 :- General Provident Fund


GPO                :- General Post Office


GPRS              :- General Packet Radio Service


GPS                 :- Global Positioning System


GRA                :- Global Research Alliance


GSDI               :- Global Spatial Data Infrastructure


GSI                  :- Geological Survey of India


GSTP               :- Global System of Trade Practices


GSOMIA        :- General Security of Military Information Agreement






HAC                :- Hindustan Aluminium Corporation


HADP             :- Hill Area Development Programme


HAL                :- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited


HARK            :- Handy Audio Reach Kit System


HARTRDN    :- Haryana State Electricity Development Corporation Limited


HCF                :- Highest Common Factor


HDFC             :- Housing Development Finance Corporation


HDPE             :- High Density Poly Ethylene


HDTV             :- High Definition Television


HEC                :- Heavy Engineering Corporation


HEL                :- Heavy Electricals Limited


HESH             :- High Explosive Squash Head


HISA              :- Hero Indian Sports Academy


HIV                :- Human Immuno-deficiency Virus


HMI               :- Himalayan Mountaineering Institute


HMT              :- Hindustan Machine Tools


HPTS             :- High Power Television Transmitter System


HTR              :- High Temperature Reactor


HUDCO         :- Housing and Urban Development Corporation


HYVS             :- High Yield Variety Seeds






IAAI               :- International Airport Authority of India


IAC                :- Indian Airlines Corporation


IADF              :- International Agriculture Development Fund


IAEA              :- International Atomic Energy Agency


IAPPD            :- Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development


IARI               :- Indian Agricultural Research Institute


IATA               :- International Air Transport Association


IBSA               :- India, Brazil, South Africa


IBRD              :- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (worldbank)


IBWL              :- Indian Board of Wild Life


ICAC               :- International Council of Adult Education


ICAI                :- Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


ICAO              :- International Civil Aviation Organization


ICAR              :- Indian Council of Agricultural Research


ICBM             :- Inter Continental Ballistic Missile


ICC                 :- International Cricket Council


ICCR              :- Indian Council of Cultural Relations


ICCW             :- Indian Council of Child Welfare


ICFTU            :- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions


ICHR              :- Indian Council for Historical Research


ICICI              :- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Ltd.


ICJ                  :- International Court of Justice


ICMR             :- Indian Council of Medical Research


ICO                 :- Islamic Conference Organization


ICPA                :- Indian Cricket Players Association


ICRC               :- International Committee of the Red Cross


ICRISAT         :- International Crops Research Institute for the Semi Arid Topics


ICSI                :- Indian Company Secretaries Institute


ICSSR            :- Indian Council of Social Science Research


IDA                 :- International Development Agency


IDBI                :- Industrial Development Bank of India


IDD                 :- Iodine Deficiency Disorder


IDO                 :- International Defence Organization


IDPL               :- Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited


IED                 :- Improvised Explosives Device


IFA                  :- Indian Football Association


IFAD               :- International Fund for Agricultural Development


IFCI                :- Industrial Finance Corporation of India


IFFI                 :- International Film Festival of India


IFFCO            :- Indian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative


IFFS                :- International Federation of Film Societies


IFTU               :- International Federation of Trade Union


IGMCO          :- Inter-Government Maritime Consultative Organization


IGNCA           :- Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts


IIAS                :- Indian Institute of Advance Studies


IIBM              :- Indian Institute of Business Management


IIDR               :- International Institute for Development Research


IIPA                :- Indian Institute of Public Administration


IITM              :- Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology


IIS                   :- Indian Institute of Sciences


IISCO             :- Indian Iron and Steel Company


IIT                   :- Indian Institute of Technology


ILO                 :- International Labour Organization


IMA                :- Indian Military Academy


IMCO             :- Inter-government Meritime Consultative Organization


IMF                :- Indian Mountaineering Foundation/International Monetary Fund


IMPPA            :- Indian Motion Picture Producers Asscoation


INGCA           :- Indira Gandhi Gallery for Culture and Art


INMURSAT   :- International Maritime Satellite Organisation


INMAS           :- Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences


INS                  :- Indian Naval Ship/Indian Newspapers Society


INSAT             :- Indian National Satellite


INSDOC         :- Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre


INTAC            :- Indian National Trust for Art and Culture


INTELSAT     :- International Telecommunication Satellite


INTERFEET :- International Force for East Timor


INTERPOL    :- Interpole Police Organisation


INCOSPAR    :- Indian National Committee for Space Research


INTUC            :- Indian National Trade Union Congress


IOC                 :- International Olympic Committee/Indian Oil Corporation


IPC                  :- Indian Penal Code


IPCC               :- Inter-government Panel on Climate Chance


IPI                   :- International Press Institution


IPKF               :- Indian Peace Keeping Force


IP-VPN           :- Internet Protocol based Virtual Private Network


IQ                    :- Intelligence Quotient


IRA                 :- Irish Republic Army/Insurance Regulatory Authority


IRAS               :- Infrared Astronomical Satellite


IRBM             :- Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile


IRCON           :- Indian Railway Construction Company


IRCS               :- Indian Red Cross Society


IRDA              :- Insurance Regulatory Development Authority


IRDP               :- Integrated Rural Development Programme


IRO                 :- International Refugee Organization


IRSS                :- Indian Remote Sensing Satellite


ISAF                :- International Security Assistance Force


ISAS                :- Institute of Space and Astronomical Science


ISB                  :- Indian Standard Bureau


ISBA               :- International Sea Bed Authority


ISCUS             :- Indo-Soviet Cultural Society


ISE                  :- International Stock Exchange


ISM                 :- Indian School of Mines


ISO                  :- International Standardized Organization


ISP                  :- Internet Services Provider


ISRO              :- Indian Space Research Organization


ISS                  :- Institute of Social Sciences


ISSP                :- Indian Scientific Satellite Project


IST                  :- Indian Standard Time


ITBP               :- Indo-Tibet Border Police


ITDC              :- Indian Tourism Development Corporation


ITES               :- IT-Enabled Services


ITPO               :- Indian Trade Promotion Organization


ITO                 :- International Trade Organization


ITR                 :- Integrated Test Range


ITU                 :- International Telecommunication Union


ITUC              :- Indian Trade Union Congress


IUC                 :- Interconnect Usage Charges


IUCAA            :- Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics


IUCNNR        :- International Union for the Conservation of Natural and National Research


IVRI               :- Indian Veterinary Research Institute


IVRS              :- Interactive Virus Response System


IWT                :- Indus Water Treaty


IYSH              :- International Year of Shelter for the Homeless







J2SE               :- Java 2 Standard Edition OR Java 2 Special Edition


J2ME              :- Java 2 Micro Edition OR Java 2 Mobile Edition


JCWI              :- Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants


JKLF              :- Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front


JMM              :- Jharkhand Mukti Morcha






KAADC          :- Karbi Anglong Autonomous District Council


KARP             :- Kalpakkam Atomic Reprocessing Plant


KG                  :- Kinder Garten


KRM              :- Kashmir Resolution Movement


KSTPS            :- Kota Super Thermal Power Station


KVIC              :- Khadi and Village Industries Commission






LAC                :- Line of Actual Control


LAHDC          :- Ladakh Hill Development Council


LASER           :- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation


LCM               :- Lowest  Common  Multiple


LDC                :- Lower Division Clerk


LIBOR           :- London Inter Bank Offered Rate


LIC                 :- Life Insurance Corporation of India


LLB                :- Bachelor of Law


LLD                :- Doctor of Law


LLM               :- Master of Law


LMG              :- Light Machine Gun


LOC                :- Line of Control


LOAC             :- Line of Actual Control


LPA                 :- Laws Prevention Association of India


LPG                :- Liquefied Petroleum Gas


LSD                :- Lysergic acid Di-ethylamide


LTTE              :- Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam






MA                 :- Master of Arts


MAIT             :- Manufacturer’s Association of Information Technology


MAPP             :- Madras Atomic Power Project


MASER          :- Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation


MBA              :- Master of Business Administration


MBBS            :- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery


MCA              :- Master of Computer Application


MCC              :- Melbourne Cricket Club


MCF               :- Master Control Facility


MCOCA         :- Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act


MD                 :- Doctor of Medicine


MECL            :- Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited


MEET             :- Mission for Extension of Educational Technology


MENAS          :- Middle East Navigation Aids Service


MERC            :- Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission


METO            :- Middle East Treaty Organization


MFALA          :- Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Labour Agency


MFALS          :- Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Liberation Scheme


MFN              :- Most Favoured Nation


MI                   :- Military Intelligence


MIGA             :- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency


MISA              :- Maintenance of Internal Security Act


MIT                :- Massachusetts Institute of Technology


MLA               :- Member of Legislative Assembly


MLC               :- Member of Legislative Council


MMDS           :- Multiple Microwave Distribution System


MMTC           :- Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation


MNAMS        :- Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences


MNC              :- Multi National Corporation


MNLF            :- Moro National Liberation Front


MPLS             :- Micro Protocol Label Switching


MPLANDS    :- Member of the Parliament Local Areas Development Scheme


MRTPC          :- Monopoly and Restrictive Trade Practice Commission


MRTS            :- Mass Rapid Transport System


MSA               :- Maritime Safety Agency


MST               :- Multi System Transmission


MTCT            :- Mother to Child Transmission


MTCR            :- Missile Technology Control Regime


MODVAT       :- Modified Value Added Tax


MULTA          :- Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam






NABARD       :- National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development


NACO             :- National AIDS Control Organization


NADAMS      :- National Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring System


NAEP             :- National Adult Educational Programme


NAFED           :- National Agricultural and Marketing Federation


NAFEN           :- Near and Far East News


NAFTA           :- North American Free Trade Agreement


NANAP          :- Non-Aligned News Agency Pool


NAPP              :- Narora Atomic Power Plant


NASA             :- National Aeronautic and space Administration


NASDAQ       :- National Association of Security Dealer’s Active Quotation


NASSCOM    :- National Association of Software & Service Companies


NATO             :- North Atlantic Treaty Organization


NBCC             :- National Building and Construction Corporation


NBCW            :- Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare


NBPGR          :- National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources


NBTB             :- National Biotechnology Board


NBER             :- National Bureau of Economic Research


NCA                :- Nuclear Command Authority


NCAER          :- National Council for Applied Economic Research


NCB                :- Narcotics Control Bureau


NCCF             :- National Consumers Cooperative Federation


NCDA             :- National Coal Development Authority


NCDC             :- National Cooperative Development Corporation


NCERT          :- National Council of Educational Research and Training


NCFSE           :- National Curriculum Framework for Secondary Education


NCPEDP        :- National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People


NCRA             :- National Centre for Radio Astrophysics


NCRB             :- National Crime Record Bureau


NCSTC           :- National Council for Science and Technology Communication


NCW               :- National Commission for Women


NCCR             :- National Council for Civil Right


NDA                :- National Defense Academy


NDDB            :- National Dairy Development Board


NDF                :- National Defense Fund


NDPDC          :- National Drugs and Pharmaceutical Development Council


NEA                :- National Environment Authority


NEERI            :- National Environment Engineering Research Institute


NEEPCO        :- North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited


NEFA              :- North East Frontier Agency


NEPA              :- National Environment Protection Authority


NEXST           :- National Experimental Supersonic Transport


NFDC             :- National Film Development Corporation


NFIW             :- National Federation of Indian Women


NFL                :- National Fertilizer Limited


NFSIT             :- National Venture Fund for Software and Information Technology


NGRI              :- National Geophysical Research Institute


NHPC             :- National Hydroelectric Power Corporation


NHRC            :- National Human Rights Commission


NIC                 :- National Integration Council / National Informatics Centre


NICD              :- National Institute of Communicable Diseases


NIDC              :- National Industrial Development Corporation


NIEO              :- New International Economic Order


NIIT               :- National Institute of Information Technology


NIMHANS    :- National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Science


NITIE             :- National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering


NLFT              :- National Liberation Front of Tripura


NLOT             :- National Large Optical Telescope


NMDC           :- National Mineral Development Corporation


NMDS            :- National Missile Defense System


NMEP            :- National Malaria Eradication Programme


NMHC           :- National Material Handling Council


NOAA             :- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


NOIDA           :- New Okhla Industrial Development Authority


NPB                 :- Nuclear Power Board


NPC                 :- National Productivity Council


NPCC              :- National Project Construction Corporation


NPCIL            :- Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited


NPL                :- National Physical Laboratory


NPP                 :- National Population Policy


NPT                 :- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty


NRAI              :- National Rifle Association of India


NRC                :- National Reconstruction Core


NRDC            :- National Research and Development Corporation


NREP             :- National Rural Employment Programme


NRI                 :- Non Resident Indian


NSA                :- National Security Act


NSC                :- National Security Council / National Savings Certificate


NSCN             :- National Socialist Council of Nagaland


NSS                 :- National Service Scheme


NSSO              :- National Sample Survey Organization


NSSTC           :- National Space Science and Technology Centre


NSTL              :- National Science and Technological Laboratory


NSTEDB        :- National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board


NTC                :- National Textile Corporation


NTES              :- National Train Enquiry System


NTPC              :- National Thermal Power Corporation






OAPNA           :- Organization of Asia and Pacific News Agency


OAU                :- Organization of African Unity


OCS                :- Overseas Communication Service


OECD             :- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


OEEC              :- Organization for European Economic Cooperation


OGL                :- Open General License


OIL                 :- Oil India Limited


OK                  :- All Correct


OIGS              :- On India Government Service


ONGC            :- Oil and Natural Gas Commission


OMSS            :- Open Market Sale Scheme


OPEC              :- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


OPPI                :- Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India


OSCE              :- Organization of European Security Council







PACS              :- Primary Agricultural Credit Society


PAFNA           :- Pan African News Agency


PATA              :- Pacific Asia Travel Association


PCI                  :- Press Council of India


PCS                 :- Provincial Civil Services


PEO                :- Programme Evaluation Organization


Ph.D.              :- Doctor of Philosophy


PIB                  :- Press Information Bureau


PIN                 :- Postal Index Number


PIOC              :- Persons of Indian Origin Card


PGIMR          :- Post Graduate Institute of Medical Research


PLA                :- Peoples Liberation Army


PLO                :- Palestine Liberation Organization


PLOTE           :- Peoples Liberation Organization of Tamil Elam


PMSSY          :- Pradhan Mantari Swasthya Suraksha Yojna


PM                 :- Post Meridian / Prime Minister


PMLA            :- Peoples Movement for Liberation of Angola


PNR              :- Passanger Numerical Record


POTA           :- Prevention of Terrorism Act


PSLV            :- Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle


PSI                 :- Population Service International


PTI                 :- Press Trust of India


PTO               :- Please Turn Over


PTCT            :- Parents to Child Transmission


PUCC            :- Pollution Under Control Certificate


PUCL            :- Peoples Union for Civil Liberties


PUDR           :- Peoples Union for Democratic Rights


PVC               :- Poly Vinyl Chloride / Param Vir Chakra


PVSM           :- Param Vishist Seva Medal


PWD             :-  Public Works Department


PWG             :- Peoples War Group






RADAR        :- Radio Detecting and Ranging


RAFC            :- Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia


RAPP            :- Rajasthan Atomic Power Project


RAW             :- Research and Analysis Wing


R&D             :- Research and Development


RBI               :- Reserve Bank of India


RCC              :- Reinforced Cement Concrete


RDSO           :- Research Design and Standard Organization


RDX             :- Research Development Explosive


REACH        :- Rural Entrepreneurship for Art and Culture Heritage


RFMT            :- Republic of Fiji Military Forces


RGNDWM    :- Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission


RITES            :- Rail India Technical and Economic Services


RMS               :- Railway Mail Service


RPNNL          :- Rashtriya Pariyojana Nirman Nigam Limited


RRC               :- Reactor Research Centre


RLEGP          :- Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme


RNA               :- Ribonucleic Acid


ROSNI           :- Round Spermatid Nuclear Injection


RSS                 :- Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh


RTO                :- Regional Transport Officer


RTRA             :- Rail Tariff Regulatory Authority






SAAF              :- South Asian Accountants Federation


SAARC           :- South Asian Association for Regional  Cooperation


SADCC           :- South African Development Corporation Conference


SAFMA          :- South Asian Free Media Association


SAHR             :- South Asians for Human Rights


SAI                  :- Sports Authority of India


SAIL               :- Steel Authority of India Limited


SALT              :- Strategic Arms Limitation Tax


SAPTA           :- South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement


SARS             :- Service Acute Respiratory Syndrome


SATO            :- South Atlantic Treaty Organization


SATTE           :- South Asian Travel and Tourism Exchange


SC                  :- Security Council / Supreme Court / Scheduled Caste


SCHIL            :- Stock Holding Corporation of India


SCI                  :- Shipping Corporation of India


SCL                 :- Space Corporation Limited


SCOPE           :- Standing Conference of Public Enterprises


SCRA             :- Special Class Railway Apprentice


SDK                :- System Development Kit OR Sun Development Kit


SDR                :- Special Drawing Rights


SEARCH        :- Society for Environmental Awareness and Rehabilitation of Child and       Handicapped


SEATO           :- South East Asia Treaty Organization


SEBI               :- Security Exchange Board of India


SEEPZ            :- Santacruz Electronic Export Processing Zone


SEO                :- Satellite for Earth Observation


SERC             :- Structural Engineering Research Centre


SETS             :- Society of Electronics Transaction and Security


SEWA            :- Self Employed Women’s Association


SFALA           :- Small Farmers and Agricultural Labourers Agency


SFC                 :- Strategic Force Command


SGPC             :- Siromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee


SHAR            :- Shri Harikota Range


SAHMAT      :- Safdar Hashmi Memorial Trust


SIAM            :- Society of Indian Automobiles Manufacturers


SIDS             :- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


SIDBI            :- Small Industries Development Bank of India


SITA              :- Separation of Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act


SIS                  :- Secret Intelligence Service


SIV                  :- Semen Immuno Deficiency Virus


SLAR              :- Sight Looking Environment Radar


SLBM             :- Submarine Launch Balistic Missile


SLV                 :- Satellite Launch Vehicle


SMART          :- Small Mission for Advance Research


SMS                :- Short Messaging System


SNIPES           :- Society of National Institutes for Physical Education and Sports


SPCA               :- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals


SROSS           :- Stretched Rohini Satellite Series


SSD                 :- Satellite System Division


SSN                 :- Social Security Number


SSTEP            :- Symphonic Satellite Telecommunication Experiment Project


STARS           :- Satellite Training and Ranging System


START           :- Strategic Armed Reduction Talks


STD                :- Subscribers Trunk Dialing OR Sexually Transmitted Disease


STEC             :- Solar Thermal Energy Centre


STEP              :- Satellite Telecommunication Experiment Project


STPI               :- Software Technology Park of India


SUNFED        :- Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development


SWAPO          :- South West African Peoples Organization


SWIFT            :- Short Work Programme in Information Technology






TACDE           :- Tactics & Aircrafts Development Establishment


TAPS              :- Tarapur Atomic Power Station


TANSI            :- Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation


TAMP             :- Tariff Authority for Major Port


TB                   :- Tuberculosis


TCI                 :- Trading Corporation of India


TCPO             :- Town and Country Planning Organization


TDSAT           :- Telecom Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal


TELCO           :- Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company


TELEX           :- Teleprinter Exchange


TRELS           :- Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station


TGIT              :- Telecom Group on Information Technology


TIFAC            :- Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council


TISCO            :- Tata Iron & Steel Company


TIN                 :- Taxpayer’s Identification Number


TMO              :- Telegraphic Money Order


TNT                :- Tri Nitro Toluene


TRACT           :- Transportable Remote Area Communications Terminal


TRAI              :- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India


TRQ               :- Tariff Rate Quota


TTFI              :- Table Tennis Federation of India


TVA               :- Tennesey Valley Authority


TWA              :- Trans World Airlines


TWAS             :- Third World Academy of Science


TWHS            :- Traditional Water Harvesting Systems


TWMF           :- Third World Monetary Fund


TWSI             :- Tourism and Wild Life Society of India






UANC             :- United African National Council


UBLF             :- United Bengali Liberation Front


UDC               :- Upper Division Clerk /University Development Commission


UDI                 :- Unilateral Declaration of Independence


UEEM             :- Universalization of Elementary Education Mission


UGC                :- University Grant Commission


ULFA              :- United Liberation Front of Assam


UNAEC          :- United Nations Atomic Energy Commission


UNCED          :- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development


UNCHS          :- United Nations Commission on Human Settlements


UNCLOS        :- United Nations Conference on Law of the Sea


UNCSTD        :- United Nations Conference on Sciences and Technology for Development


UNCTC          :- United Nations Counter Terrorism Committee


UNCTAD       :- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development


UNDP             :- United Nations Development Programme


UNECAFE      :- United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and Far East


UNEF             :- United Nations Emergency Force


UNEP             :- United Nations Environment Programme


UNESCO        :- United Nations Economic and Social Commission


UNFCC           :- United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change


UNFPA           :- United Nations Framework for Population Activities


UNHCR          :- United Nations High Commission for Refugees


UNI                 :- United News of India


UNICEF         :- United Nations International Children Emergency Fund


UNIDO           :- United Nations Industrial Development Organization


UNISPACE   :- United Nations Conference on Exploration and Peaceful Usage of Outer Space


UNMIL          :- United Nations Mission in Libra


UNMOVIC   :- United Nations Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission


UNO              :- United Nations Organization


UNRRA         :- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration


UNSCOM      :- United Nations Special Commission


UNTAG          :- United Nations Transition Assistance Group


UPROV          :- Union for Protection of New Varieties of Plants


UPSC              :- Union Public Service Commission


UPTN              :- Universal Personal Tele Number


UPU                :- Universal Postal Union


USAID           :- United States Agency for International Development


USIS              :- United States Information Service


USITC            :- United States International Trade Corporation


USSR             :- Union of Soviet Socialist Republic


UTS                :- Unreserved Ticketing System







VABAL          :- Value Based Advanced License


VAT               :- Value Added Tax


VCO              :- Viceroy Commissioned Officer


VIP                :- Very Important Person


VPP               :- Value Payable Post


VRDE           :- Vehicle Research and Development Establishment


VRS               :- Voluntary Retirement Scheme


VSNL            :- Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited


VSSC            :- Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre


VTMS           :- Versel Traffic Management System


VVF               :- Village Volunteer Force






WANO           :- World Association of Nuclear Operators


WAY             :- World Assembly of Youth


WEF             :- World Economic Forum


WFTU           :- World Federation of Trade Union


WHO             :- World Health Organization


WIDF            :- Women’s International Democratic Federation


WIPO           :- World Intellectual Property Organization


WIPSA          :- Women’s Initiative for Peace in South Asia


WMO            :- World Meteorological Organization


WWF            :- World Wild Life Fund


WWFI           :- World Wide Fund for Nature India


WWPA          :- World Wild Life Protection Agency






YMCA          :- Young Men’s Christians Associations


YWCA          :- Young Women’s Christians Association






ZBB              :- Zero Base Budgeting


ZETA            :- Zero Energy Thermo Nuclear Assembly


ZIFT              :- Zygote Intra fallopian Transfer


ZIP                :- Zone Improvement Plan


ZOPFAN      :- Zone of Peace Freedom and Neutrality


ZS                 :- Zoological Society


ZUPO           :- Zimbabwe United People’s Organisation

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