Chemical Coordination and Integration
1. _________are responsible for chemical coordination.
(1) Neurons
(2) Nephrons
(3) Hormones
(4) Enzymes
2. Neural coordination is
(1) Fast and long lived
(2) Fast and short lived
(3) Slow and long lived
(4) Slow and short lived
Answer: 2
3.The ductless glands
(1) Produce non-nutrient intercellular messengers
(2) Found only in non chordates
(3) Are absent in human body
(4) Are called exocrine glands
4. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
(1) Hormones are required in trace amounts
(2) Hormones are intra-cellular messengers
(3) Hormones are secreted by endocrine glandular cells
(4) Hormones are secreted in response to a particular stimulus
5. Which of the following glands are present in the brain?
(1) Parathyroid gland and thyroid gland
(2) Pituitary gland and thymus
(3) Hypophysis and pineal gland
(4) Pineal gland and thymus
6. The two glands located in the neck region are
(1) Thyroid gland and parathyroid gland
(2) Pituitary gland and pineal gland
(3) Adrenal gland and thymus
(4) Pineal gland and thyroid gland
7. Hypothalamus forms an important link between
(1) Digestive system and nervous system
(2) Nervous system and respiratory system
(3) Nervous system and endocrine system
(4) lntegumentary system and reproductive system
8. The neurosecretory cells of hypothalamus which produce hormones are called
(1) Nephrons
(2) Nuclei
(3) Granular cells
(4) Globular cells
9. Hypothalemic hormones directly regulate the synthesis and secretion of
(1) Thyroid hormones
(2) Pituitary hormones
(3) Adrenal hormones
(4) Parathomione
10. Somatostatin inhibits the release of
(1) Prolactin
(2) Melanin
(3) Thymosin
(4) Growth hormone
11. GnRH stimulates_________ to release__________ .
(1) Hypothalamus. gonadotropins
(2) Pituitary gland. gonadotropins
(3) Pituitary gland. growth hormone
(4) Hypothalamus. growth hormone
12. Which of the following is under the direct control d neurosecretory cells?
(1) Pars distalis and pars intermedia
(2) Pars intermedia and pars nervosa
(3) Pars nervosa only
(4) Pars distalis only
13. The neuroendocrine structure is
(1) Hypothalamus
(2) Adrenal cortex
(3) Pancreas
(4) Thyroid
14. Adenohypophysis in humans consists of two portions
(1) Pars distalis and Pars nervosa
(2) Pars intermedia and Pars distalis
(3) Pars nervosa and Pars intermedia
(4) Anterior and posterior pituitary
15. Which of the following hormones is not released by pars distalis,in frog?
(1) Growth homone
(2) Prolactin
(3) Melanocyte stimulating hormone
(4) Luteinizing hormone
16. Melanocyte stimulating hormone in frog is released by
(1) Hypothalamus
(2) Pars nervosa
(3) Pars distalls
(4) Pars intermedla
17. The hormone which promotes protein anabolism, absorption of calcium from the bowel and retards use of blood glucose for ATP production
(1) Melatonin
(2) Adrenaline
(3) Growth hormone
(4) Insulin
18. Dwarfism occurs when there is
(i) Over secretion of growth hormone
(ii) Under secretion of growth hormone
(iii) Over secretion of somatostatin
(iv) Under secretion of somatostatin
(1) (i) and (iii)
(2) Only (ii)
(3) (ii) and (iii)
(4) (ii) and (iv)
19. Which of the following hormones is responsible for gigantism?
(1) Growth hormone
(2) Somatostatin
(3) Adrenaline
(4) GnRH
20. Prolactin activates
(1) Growth of breasts and secretion of milk in mammary glands
(2) Secondary sexual characters in males
(3) Melatonin secretion
(4) Estrogen secretion
21. ACTH controls the secretion of
(1) Insulin
(2) Norepinephrine
(3) Epinephrine
(4) Glucocorticoids
22. If ‘X’ is a hormone which controls the carbohydrate metabolism in the body and ‘Y’ is a hormone which controls the secretion of ‘X’, then ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are
(1) insulin and somatotrophin
(2) Aldosterone and growth hormone
(3) Glucocorticoid and ACTH respectively
(4) Glucocorticoid and GHRH
23. In females. LH stimulates ________in the ovary to ________secrete .
(1) Graafian follicle, lCSH respectively
(2) Graahan follicle, prolactin respectively
(3) Corpus luteum, FSH respectively
(4) Corpus luteum, progesterone respectively
24. Graafian follicle gets converted into__________ after ovulation under the effect of __________
(1) Corpus callosum, GnRH
(2) Corpus luteum, LH
(3) Corpus albicans, FSH
(4) Ovarian follicle, prolactin
25. Which of the following is incorrect w.r.t. neurohypophysis?
(1) Neurohypophysis is also called pars nervosa
(2) it synthesises two hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin
(3) It receives neurohormonesdirectty from neurosecretory cells
(4) It comprises 25% portion of pituitary gland
26. P is a small, round, reddish structure located on the dorsal side of forebrain. It contains a staik and releases a hormone Q which controls diurnal rhythm of the body. P and Q are
(1) Hypothalamus, MSH respectively
(2) Pineal gland, melanin respectiveiy
(3) Pineal gland. melatonin respectively
(4) Pituitary gland, MSH respectively
27. A hormone which maintains BMR, regulates the metabolism of proteins and erythropoiesis is
(1) Adrenaline
(2) Thymine
(3) Thyroxine
(4) Thymosin
28. Cretinism can be prevented or cured by the administration of
(1) Renin
(2) Aldosterone
(3) Glucagon
(4) Thyroxine
29. A gland X is present over the surface of another gland Y, latter secretes a hormone that controls the metabolism of proteins. fats and carbohydrate.
The X and Y are
(1) Parathyroid and thyroid gland. respectively
(2) Pituitary and hypothalamus, respectively
(3) Adrenal gland and kidney. respectively
(4) Thymus and heart, respectively
30. Ram has high level of calcium in his blood. Excess of which hormone can cause this effect?
(1) Thyrocalcitonin
(2) Growth hormone
(3) Parathormone
(4) lnsulin
31. Angiotensinogen —x—-> Angiotensin-l.
(A) (B)
‘X’ in the given statement refers to
(1) Angiotensin-ll
(2) Aldosterone
(3) Renin
(4) Rennin
32. The secretin promotes the release of
(1) HCl and sodium carbonate ions
(2) HCl and bicarbonate ions in gastric juice
(3) Water and bicarbonate ions in pancreatic juice
(4) Pancreatic enzymes and mucus
33. CCK is secreted by
(1) Duodenum
(2) Pyloric part of stomach
(3) Caecum
(4) Rectum
34. Progesterone and estradiol are
(1) Peptide hormones
(2) Amino acid derivatives
(3) iodothyronines
(4) Steroid hormones
35. Which of the following forms a hormone receptor complex on the cell membrane?
(1) Cortisol
(2) Testosterone
(3) insulin
(4) Progesterone
36. Which of the following can be included under heterocrine glands?
(1) Thyroid and parathyroid
(2) Pineal gland
(3) Gonads and pancreas
(4) Thymus
37. Regulating hormones from hypothalamus reach Adeno-hypophysis through
(1) Neuron
(2) Neuroendocrine cells
(3) Portal blood vessel
(4) Diffusion
38. The anterior pituitary hormone that does not Stimulate another endocrine gland is
(1) Somatotrophin
(2) Thyrotrophin
(3) Gonadotrophin
(4) Adrenocorticotrophin
39. Luteinising hormone (LH) in female
(1) Helps in the appearance of secondary sexual characters
(2) Stimulates ovary to secrete oestradiol
(3) Helps in release of the ovum from the ovary
(4) Controls the blood pressure
40. On surgical removal of pituitary gland there is fall in levels of glucocorticoids and sexcorticoids. This is due to
(1) Oxytocin is no longer available from pituitary
(2) Atrophy of adrenal medulla
(3) Atrophy of adrenal cortex
(4) LTH from pituitary is no longer available
41. Which pituitary hormone is responsible for enhancing the arterial blood pressure by causing narrowing of arterioles?
(1) ACTH
(2) Somatotropin
(3) ADH
(4) LTH
42. Largest endocrine gland is
(1) Thyroid gland
(2) Adrenal gland
(3) Thymus
(4) Pituitary gland
43. Failure of thyroid secretion from infancy leading to dwarfism and mental retardation is included under
(1) Grave‘s disease
(2) Cretinism
(3) Simple goitre
(4) Myxoedema
44. Name the non-iodinised hormone secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid
(1) Calcitonin
(2) Oxytocin
(3) Vasopressin
(4) Gonadotropin
45. Symptoms like pot-bellied, pigeon like chest, protruding tongue and mental retardation are of
(1) Myxoedema
(2) Cretinism
(3) Cushing’s Syndrome
(4) Addison’s disease
46. Hyposecretion of which hormone is responsible for cretinism?
(1) Thyroxine
(2) Parathormone
(3) Growth Hormone
(4) Calcitonin
47. Increase in the excitability of nerves and muscles leading to sustained contraction of the muscles of larynx, face, hand and feet is due to
(1) Hyper activity of thyroid
(2) Hyper activity of parathyroid
(3) Hypoactivity of thyroid
(4) Hypoactivity of parathyroid
48. Hormone secreted during allergy is
(1) Glucocorticoid
(2) Mineralocorticoid
(3) Insulin
(4) Thyroxine
49. Deficiency of the adrenal cortex activity leads to
(1) Cushing’s disease
(2) Conn’s syndrome
(3) Addison’s disease
(4) Simmond’s disease