Cisco Shares Rise on Earnings and Revenue Beat

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Whole-wheat toast with nut or seed butter, banana and cinnamon. A slice of whole-wheat toast with your choice of something like peanut, almond or sunflower seed butter topped with slices of banana and a sprinkling of cinnamon is a great pre-workout snack. It gives you simple and complex carbs, is easy to digest, increases your potassium levels (which drop when you sweat) and stabilizes your blood sugar.

Apple slices and yogurt peanut butter dip. Mix nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt with peanut or almond butter to make a dip that’s perfect for apple slices. Consider adding grapes or raisins for an extra kick of energy.

Heart-healthy cereal. Pour yourself a serving of whole-grain cereal mixed with uncooked oatmeal, slivered almonds and chopped dates. Add low-fat milk or almond milk and you’re good to go.
Half of a lean protein sandwich on whole-wheat bread. Make yourself a sandwich with chicken, turkey or lean roast beef on whole-wheat bread for a great mix of carbs and protein. Veggies like lettuce, tomato or spinach will add nutrients.
Smoothie. The best thing about smoothies is that they’re portable and easy to customize. Blend sliced fruit, Greek yogurt and some granola or oats for a thicker consistency, and consider add-ins like protein powder, kale or peanut butter.

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