Laws Make College Transfer Easier for Community College Students

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The remaining salad ingredients include fresh basil (or other soft herbs like mint or tarragon) for herby goodness, chopped pistachios for richness and crunch, and optional red pepper flakes for a little heat and color contrast.

We always love the chance to highlight our favorite veggies, and the star of the show today is the (crunchy & sweet) snap pea! Our obsession with snap peas started earlier this year when we discovered the magic that is sautéed snap peas, and now we’re bringing you a simple and fresh snap pea salad!

This salad is the perfect balance of bright, tangy, and savory. It’s delicious served with pasta or fish, and it requires just 10 ingredients, 15 minutes, and 1 bowl. Let’s snap to it!

Here are a few tips to help you find painless ways to stay fit:

pexels karolina grabowska 8106717 min - Laws Make College Transfer Easier for Community College Students

The remaining salad ingredients include fresh basil (or other soft herbs like mint or tarragon) for herby goodness, chopped pistachios for richness and crunch, and optional red pepper flakes for a little heat and color contrast.

We always love the chance to highlight our favorite veggies, and the star of the show today is the (crunchy & sweet) snap pea! Our obsession with snap peas started earlier this year when we discovered the magic that is sautéed snap peas, and now we’re bringing you a simple and fresh snap pea salad!

This salad is the perfect balance of bright, tangy, and savory. It’s delicious served with pasta or fish, and it requires just 10 ingredients, 15 minutes, and 1 bowl. Let’s snap to it!

Here are a few tips to help you find painless ways to stay fit:

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