Plant Growth and Development

  1. Who classified the plants into different categories on the basis of photoperiodic responses
    (A) benthem and Hooker
    (B) cajlachjan
    (C) Garner and Allard
    (D) Linneus
  2. The plant which needs light period shorter than critical period is called
    (A) Short day plant(SDP)
    (B) Long day plant(LDP)
    (C) Day neutral plant(DNP)
    (D) Short long day plant(SLDP)
  3. Vernalization is also called as
    (A) Spiringification
    (B) Yarovization
    (C) Chilling effect
    (D) All of these
  4. The harmone which stimulates the flowering in vernalized plant is
    (A) Florigen
    (B) Vernalin
    (C) Cytokinin
    (D) Gibberellin
  5. Vernalization is
    (A) Growth curve related to light
    (B) Effect of photoperiods on plant growth
    (C) Speeding up ability to flower by low temperature
    (D) Diurnal photoperiodicty
  6. Epigeal germination is found in
    (A) Gram
    (B) Pea
    (C) Castor
    (D) Jowar
  7. Which of the following substance acts as natural germination inhibitor?
    (A) Cytokinin
    (B) Gibberellin
    (C) Ethylene
    (D) Caumarin
  8. The part of seed which emerges out first during germination is
    (A) Radicle
    (B) Plumule
    (C) Root
    (D) Shoot
  9. Indefinite growth of plants is due to presence of
    (A) Meristemtic cells
    (B) Parenchyma
    (C) Permanent tissue
    (D) Vascular tissue
  10. In which of the following, rate of growth gradually slows down and comes to steady stage?
    (A) Lag phase
    (B) Log phase
    (C) Exponential phase
    (D) Stationary phase
  11. Identify the true statement/statements regarding growth and development in organisms.
    (A) Growth is intrinsic.
    (B) Growth is the physical development while development is the physiological growth.
    (C) Growth is accompanied by development.
    (D) All of these.
  12. Vernalization treatment can convert
    (A) a biennial into an annual.
    (B) a spring variety into a winter variety.
    (C) an annual into a perennial.
    (D) all of these .
  13. Scarification is a method of overcoming dormancy in seeds which
    (A) contain immature embryo.
    (B) Hard seed coat.
    (C) possess germination inhibiting substance.
    (D) contain fully formed but physiologically unripe embryo.
  14. Identify the precursor substance used in the biosynthesis of gibberellins in plants.
    (A) Gibberellic acid
    (B) Methionine
    (C) Acetyl Co-A
    (D) Tryptophan
  15. Seeds in which germination is stimulated by light are called
    (A) Photoblastic seeds
    (B) Thermoblastic seed
    (C) Positively photoblastic
    (D) Negatively photoblastic
  16. The chemical substances like phenolics, caumarins, ferulic acid are
    (A) Growth harmones
    (B) Growth inhibitors
    (C) Germination inhibitors
    (D) Germination promoters
  17. The seeds which can not germinate in absence of light is called
    (A) Positively photoblastic seed
    (B) Negatively photpblastic seed
    (C) Photoblastic seed
    (D) Photpperiodic seeds
  18. Germination inhibitors leached out by one plant may inhibit germination of seeds of other plants is called as
    (A) Allopathy
    (B) Allelopathy
    (C) Dormancy
    (D) Aromapathy
  19. The dormancy of seed is due to mechanical resistance of seed coat in
    (A) Allisma
    (B) Capsella
    (C) Amaranthus
    (D) All the above
  20. Which of the following growth harmones in plant is influenced by light?
    (A) Gibberellin
    (B) Cytokinin
    (C) Auxin
    (D) Ethylene
  21. A seed which is just waiting for favourable environmental condition to germinate is called
    (A)Dormant seed
    (B)Quiescent seed
    (C) Non-viable seed
    (D) Dead seed
  22. Richmond – Lang effect is
    (A) Morphogenesis
    (B) Delay of senescence under control of cytokinin
    (C) Induction of early flowering

(D) Protection of organs

  1. 2,4-D is used as

(A) Florigen
(B) Vernalin
(C) Herbicide
(D) Fungicide

  1. The type of germination in which cotyledons come above the ground is called as

(A) Epigeal
(B) Hypogeal
(C) Viviparpus
(D) Oviparous

  1. In most of monocot plants, germination is
    (A) Epigeal
    (B) Hypogeal
    (C) Viviparous
    (D) Hydrogeal

26.The phase of growth which is the first phase and represents lag phase of growth curve is
(A) Formative phase
(B) Cell enlargement phase
(C) Maturation phase
(D) Stationery phase

  1. The lateral meristem in plant is reponsible for

(A) Primary growth
(B) Secondary growth
(C) Exponential growth
(D) Growht in elongation

  1. Plant growth can be measured by
    (A) Horizontal microscope
    (B) Crescograph
    (C) Auxanometer
    (D) All the above
  2. 29.Auxins were first isolated form the plants by
    (A) Darwin
    (B) F.W.Wend
    (C) Boysen-Jensen
    (D) Sachs
  3. Apical dominance is due to

(A)Abcisic acid
(B) Gibberelic acid
(C) Auxin
(D) Cytokinin

  1. The term auxin was coined by

(A) Skoog

(B) Haberlandt

(C)  Miescher

(D) F.W. Went

  1. Precursor of Indole acetic acid (natural auxin) is

(A) Glycine

(B) Methionine

(C) Isopentynyl pyrophosphate

(D) Tryptophan

  1. All the following hormones are growth inhibitors except

(A) Absiccic acid

(B) dormin

(C)  ethylene


  1. Which of the following is a gaseous hormone



(C)  Abscicic acid

(D) Ethylene

  1. Which of the following bioassays are used to detect the presence of auxin

(A) Avena curvature test and tobacco pith culture

(B) Split pea stem curvature test and tobacco pith culture

© Avena curvature test and Split pea stem curvature test

(D) tobacco pith culture only




































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