Breathing and exchange of gases

1)Respiration is helpful in

(a) Removing waste from the body

(b) Producing energy within the body

(c) Production of proteins

(d) Production of carbohydrates

Ans :-producing energy within the body

2)The surface, from which the exchange of gas takes place is called

(a) Plasma surface

(b) Respiratory substrates

(c) Respiration surface

(d) Gaseous surface

Ans :-respiration surface

3)Which of the following shows pulmonary respiration

(a) Sponge

(b) Fishes

(c) Coelenterate



4) What is the upper region of pharynx called?

(a) Oropharynx

(b) Nasopharynx

(c) Laryngopharynx

(d) None of these


5)the trachea is supported by,cartilaginous rings,which are…………shaped






6) A lung contains many small balloon like air sacs called

(a)gas spaces





7) Intercoastal muscles regulate the movement of






8) Respiratory control centres are located in


(b)medulla oblongata

(c)spinal cord


Ans:-medulla oblongata

9) The deoxygenated blood from heart comes to the lungs by

(a)pulmonary artery

(b)pulmonary vein

(c)bronchial artery

(d)renal vein

Ans:-pulmonary artery

10) The metal ion present in haemoglobin is






11)how much fraction of oxygen is transported to tissues through RBCs?






12)H2CO3 is converted into CO2 and H2O with the help of an enzyme known as


(b)carbonic dehydrogenase


(d)carbonic anhydrase

Ans:-carbonic anhydrase

13)the largest amount of CO2 is transported in blood as

(a)carbamino compounds


(c)carbonic acid

(d)carbonate ions


14)chloride back-shiftis associated with the transport of






15)bronchitis is a

(a)bacterial infection

(b)viral infection

(c)protozoan infection

(d)fungal infection

Ans:-bacterial infection

16)flattening of alveola ducts(tracheal vessels)results in



(c)lung cancer



17)which of these protects the larynx






18)which is not a viral infection

(a)vocational lung disease




Ans:-vocational lung disease

19)in which case specific gases ,chemicals or suspended particulate matter in air are not responsible for this disease






20)in human beings

(a)left lung is slightly smaller

(b)left lung is slightly wider

(c)right lung is slightly smaller

(d)both lungs are of similar size

Ans:-left lung is slightly smaller

21)the left lung is slightly smaller so as

(a)it is exception

(b)no specific reason

(c)both A and B

(d)to accommodate heart

Ans:-to accommodate heart

22)this disease is due to allergens






23)the centre which excites both the activities during rapid breathing is

(a)ventral respiratory center

(b)lateral respiratory center

(c)pneumotoxic center

(d)dorsal respiratory center

Ans:-ventral respiratory center

24)the function of pneumotoxic center is

(a)to regulate inhalation

(b)to maintain rhythmicity of respiration

(c)increases rate of exhalation

(d)does not play significant role

Ans:-to regulate inhalation

25)the enzyme carbonic anhydrase is of which type?






26)what is the role of buffer system in blood?

(a)to maintain pH of blood plasma

(b)to maintain pH of blood

(c)to maintain pH of RBC

(d)to maintain pH of blood platelets

Ans:-to maintain pH of blood

27)maximum amount of O2 is transported in humans by



(C)blood platelets

(d)blood plasma


28)oxygen carrying capacity of blood is






29)respiratory movements are controlled by



(c)medulla oblongata


Ans:-medulla oblongata

30)vital capacity of lung is equal to






31)vocal cords occur in




(d)bronchial tube


32)the cells which do not respire are

(a)epidermal cells

(b)sieve cells

(c)cortical cells



33)Which lungs are situated in the human body

(a)abdominal cavity

(b)thoracic cavity

(c)coelomic cavity

(d)pleural cavity

Ans:-thoracic cavity

34)which is the last step involved in respiration

(a)diffusion of gases


(c)utilization of O2,by body cellsand resultant release of CO2

(d)transport of gases

Ans:-utilisation of 02, by body cells and resultant release of CO2

35)the breathing rate of normal healthy man is

(a)8-18 times/min

(b)6-12 times/min

(c)16-24 times/min

(d)12-16 times/min

Ans:-12-16 times/min

36)what is the value of tidal volume in a normal healthy man?

(a)approximately 6000-8000 ml/min

(b)1000-1100 ml/min

(c)2500-3000 ml/min

(d)approximately 8000-12000 ml/min

Ans:-approximately 6000-8000 ml/min

37)what is the value of pCO2 in atmospheric air, alveoli and tissues respectively?

(a)0.3 mm Hg,40 mm Hg, 95 mm Hg

(b)95 mm Hg,40 mm Hg,159 mm Hg

(c)45 mm Hg,0.3 mm Hg,40 mm Hg

(d)0.3 mm Hg,40 mm Hg,45 mm Hg

Ans:-0.3 mm Hg,40 mm Hg,45 mm Hg

38)which part of Hb,O2 molecules bind?



(c) both A and B

(d) amino group of globin


39)how much CO2 is delivered to the alveoli by every 100 ml of deoxygenated blood?

(a)6 ml

(b)4 ml

(c)5 ml

(d)3 ml

Ans:-4 ml

40)a pair of external nostrils present in human opens out

(a)below the upper lips

(b)above the upper lips

(c)between upper and lower lips

(d)above the rhythm

Ans:-above the upper lips

41)which instrument helps in clinical assessment of pulmonary functions?






42)diaphragm is dome shaped muscular structure which separates

(a)coelomic cavity from pelvic cavity

(b)pleural cavity from thoracic cavity

(c)thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity

(d)pelvic cavity from abdominal cavity

Ans:-thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity

43)what happens when pressure within the pulmonary cavity is higher then the atmosphere pressure?

(a)inhalation of air

(b)expulsion of air

(c)no inhalation and expulsion of air occurs

(d)lungs inhale and rupture

Ans:-expulsion of air

44)in mature mammalian erythrocytes the respiration is



(c)sometimes aerobic and sometimes anaerobic



45)skin of man cannot act as respiratory organ because

(a)it is dry

(b)it is not thin

(c)it is not permeable to O2 and CO2

(d)all of these

Ans:-all of these

46)which of the following is not a character of respiratory surface?

(a)thin,permeable to gases


(c) least vascular


Ans:-least vascular

47)ring like cartilage of larynx is known as

(a)thyroid cartilage

(b)arytenoid cartilage

(c)cricoid cartilage

(d)cartilage of santonni

Ans:-cricoid cartilage

48)lungs are enclosed in




(d)pleural membranes

Ans:-pleural membranes

49)which of the following reflex is involved to prevent excessive inflation of lungs?

(a)stretch reflex

(b)hering-breuer’s reflex

(c)withdrawal reflex

(d)conditioned reflex

Ans:-hering-breuer’s reflex

50)the ventilation movements of lungs in mammals are governed by

(a)muscular walls of lung


(c) costal muscles

(d)both B and C

Ans:-both B and C

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