English literature

English literature

1. The Tragic flaw is also called?
2. The Revolt of Islam written by?
3. Ruskin is famous for?
A social reformer
4. Stephen guest is a character of?
The Mill on the Floss
5. Lucy gray is a poem written by?
6. Frost is poet of?
county life
7. Ulysses (novel) by?
James Joyce
8. Ulysses (poem) by?

9. Lotus eaters is by?
10. Ruskin belongs to?
Victorian age
11. Wordsworth lived from?
12. The Rainbow by?
D.H lawrence
13. The secret agent by?
Joseph Conrad
14. The iron heel by?
Jack London
15. Lord Jim by?
16. The war of the worlds by?
H.G Wells
17. Daniel Deronda by?
George Eliot
18. A Christmas Carol by?
Charles Dickens
19. A key feminist work from the modern period is?
A room of one’s own (1929)
20. This work written by
Virginia woolf

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