MS Word Edit and Move Text and Graphics Shortcut Keys

MS Word Edit and Move Text and Graphics Shortcut Keys

To do this


Turn extend mode on.F8
Select the nearest character.F8, and then press Left Arrow or Right Arrow
Increase the size of a selection.F8 (press once to select a word, twice to select a sentence, and so on)
Reduce the size of a selection.Shift+F8
Turn extend mode off.Esc
Extend a selection one character to the right.Shift+Right Arrow
Extend a selection one character to the left.Shift+Left Arrow
Extend a selection to the end of a word.Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Extend a selection to the beginning of a word.Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Extend a selection to the end of a line.Shift+End
Extend a selection to the beginning of a line.Shift+Home
Extend a selection one line down.Shift+Down Arrow
Extend a selection one line up.Shift+Up Arrow
Extend a selection to the end of a paragraph.Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow
Extend a selection to the beginning of a paragraph.Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow
Extend a selection one screen down.Shift+Page Down
Extend a selection one screen up.Shift+Page Up
Extend a selection to the beginning of a document.Ctrl+Shift+Home
Extend a selection to the end of a document.Ctrl+Shift+End
Extend a selection to the end of a window.Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Page Down
Extend a selection to include the entire document.Ctrl+A
Select a vertical block of text.Ctrl+Shift+F8, and then use the arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode
Extend a selection to a specific location in a document.F8+arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode

Delete Text and Graphics

To do this


Delete one character to the left.Backspace
Delete one word to the left.Ctrl+Backspace
Delete one character to the right.Delete
Delete one word to the right.Ctrl+Delete
Cut selected text to the Office Clipboard.Ctrl+X
Undo the last action.Ctrl+Z
Cut to the Spike. (स्पाइक एक ऐसी सुविधा है जो आपको विभिन्न स्थानों से टेक्स्ट के समूह एकत्र करने और उन्हें किसी अन्य स्थान पर पेस्ट करने की अनुमति देती है).Ctrl+F3

Copy and Move Text and Graphics

To do this


Open the Office ClipboardPress Alt+H to move to the Home tab, and then press F,O.
Copy selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.Ctrl+C
Cut selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.Ctrl+X
Paste the most recent addition or pasted item from the Office Clipboard.Ctrl+V
Move text or graphics once.F2 (then move the cursor and press Enter)
Copy text or graphics once.Shift+F2 (then move the cursor and press Enter)
When text or an object is selected, open the Create New Building Block dialog box.Alt+F3
When the building block — for example, a SmartArt graphic — is selected, display the shortcut menu that is associated with it.Shift+F10
Cut to the Spike.Ctrl+F3
Paste the Spike contents.Ctrl+Shift+F3
Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document.Alt+Shift+R

Edit and Move through Table
Select text and graphics in a Table

To do this


Select the next cell’s contents.Tab
Select the preceding cell’s contents.Shift+Tab
Extend a selection to adjacent cells.Hold down Shift and press an arrow key repeatedly
Select a column.Use the arrow keys to move to the column’s top or bottom cell, and then do one of the following:·         Press Shift+Alt+Page Down to select the column from top to bottom. 

·         Press Shift+Alt+Page Up to select the column from bottom to top.

Select an entire rowUse arrow keys to move to end of the row, either the first cell (leftmost) in the row or to the last cell (rightmost) in the row.·         From the first cell in the row, press Shift+Alt+End to select the row from left to right. 

·         From the last cell in the row, press Shift+Alt+Home to select the row from right to left.

Extend a selection (or block).Ctrl+Shift+F8, and then use the arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode
Select an entire table.Alt+5 on the numeric keypad (with Num Lock off)

Move within a Table

To move


To the next cell in a rowTab
To the previous cell in a rowShift+Tab
To the first cell in a rowAlt+Home
To the last cell in a rowAlt+End
To the first cell in a columnAlt+Page Up
To the last cell in a columnAlt+Page Down
To the previous rowUp Arrow
To the next rowDown Arrow
Row upAlt+Shift+Up Arrow
Row downAlt+Shift+Down Arrow

Insert Paragraph and tab Character in a Table

To insert


New paragraphs in a cellEnter
Tab characters in a cellCtrl+Tab

Mail Merge Shortcut Keys
Perform a Mail Merge

To do this


Preview a mail merge.Alt+Shift+K
Merge a document.Alt+Shift+N
Print the merged document.Alt+Shift+M
Edit a mail-merge data document.Alt+Shift+E
Insert a merge field.Alt+Shift+F

Working with Mail Merge Field

To do this


Insert a DATE field.Alt+Shift+D
Insert a LISTNUM field.Alt+Ctrl+L
Insert a Page field.Alt+Shift+P
Insert a TIME field.Alt+Shift+T
Insert an empty field.Ctrl+F9
Update linked information in a Microsoft Word source document.Ctrl+Shift+F7
Update selected fields.F9
Unlink a field.Ctrl+Shift+F9
Switch between a selected field code and its result.Shift+F9
Switch between all field codes and their results.Alt+F9
Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results.Alt+Shift+F9
Go to the next field.F11
Go to the previous field.Shift+F11
Lock a field.Ctrl+F11
Unlock a field.Ctrl+Shift+F11

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